3 min readOct 7, 2022

Third World War predicted by Uranus in Taurus/Gemini?
Every time Uranus transits this part of the sky, the U.S. is engaged in a major war.

The planet Uranus, planet of unpredictability, independence, and rebellion, orbits the Sun approximately every 84 earth years. Historically speaking, every time Uranus has reached the degrees between the end of the sign of Taurus and the beginning of the sign of Gemini (a “sign” differs from a constellation), the United States has found itself in a major war. We can begin with the Revolutionary War of 1775 -1776 which established the United States as a sovereign and independent nation. War was declared on April 19, 1775 with Uranus at 0 degrees Gemini having just entered the sign. The next time Uranus revisits that part of the sky, the U.S. is enmeshed in the Civil War, the onset of which occurred on April 12, 1861 with Uranus at 9 degrees Gemini.

Fast forward another full revolution of Uranus and we see the U.S. involved in World War ll, the biggest and deadliest war in world history. Uranus was at 27 degrees Taurus on December 7, 1941 when the U.S. was attacked at Pearl Harbor. The war officially started with Germany’s invasion of Poland in September of 1939 when Uranus was at 21 degrees of Taurus. Modern astrologers consider Uranus to be in its “fall” in the sign of Taurus, meaning the planet functions in a negative way with respect to events on Earth.

Based on the last three examples of war, we can see that Uranus will be in the same degrees from 2023 to 2030. Personally, I don’t believe anything is written in stone, however, the Vedic astrologers of India may disagree. They believe in several types of destiny, one of which is immutable.

As of this writing Russia’s leader, Vladimir Putin, has attempted to annex four regions belonging to the Ukraine. For astrologers and students reading this, Putin has a Scorpio rising with Venus in Scorpio near the ascendant and Pluto, Scorpio’s ruler, at the top of the chart conjoined the midheaven. His Sun in Libra is square Uranus in Cancer. The man is unpredictable and provocative. The Scorpio emphasis in his chart lends itself toward a megalomaniacal tendency. Scorpio is a fixed sign and like any fixed sign they dig in their heels when they don’t get their way. They make formidable enemies. I don’t think anyone who knows anything about Putin would need to look at his chart to make such an assessment. Transiting Saturn opposes Putin’s natal Pluto next year. He either doubles down again to the detriment of all or he falls prey to an illness or other misfortune and is forced to relinquish his aim. When Saturn gets together with Pluto bad things can follow unless one is patient and wise enough to take the high moral road as tests and roadblocks abound every step of the way. President Biden also has his challenges as Saturn will square his Sun in Scorpio. Could the events unfolding in the Ukraine lead to World War lll, or will the danger Uranus heralds arise from some other corner of the world? North Korea maybe?

Uranus is connected symbolically with the quest of humanity to reach it’s highest goals. If we can hold on to our humanity in troubled times, I believe such wars and tragedies can be prevented. We can seek to promote a climate of cooperation and kindness, and insist the same of our governments in order to establish a more humane and sustainable planet Earth. We can learn from our past. I sincerely hope I’m completely wrong about the upcoming events correlated with Uranus transiting the end of Taurus and the beginning of Gemini in the seven year period between 2023–2030. I hope you will be safe whatever the outcome may be. Uranus not only asks us to think of each other as individuals, but also to consider the entire group of individuals on the planet. It is possible to maintain our individual rights and maintain the freedoms and rights of others at the same time.